
美国.S. 教育部(ED)规定学生必须注册 in a degree-seeking program 接受联邦财政援助 (Grants, Loans, FSEOG, 工作研究). 资金将只支付给完成该计划所需的课程 学习要求.

注册不需要完成学位的课程的学生可以 根据学院的要求,按比例分配和/或取消他们的财政援助 教育.


课程学习计划(CPoS) is the process that is run to identify courses within a student’s program of study. Courses that do not apply towards a student’s program of study will be ineligible for federal financial 援助.




  • 学生 will be notified by the Office of 金融援助 if their federal financial 援助 is impacted due to enrollment in classes that do not apply to 他们的学位课程. 他们将能够看到不适用于经济援助的课程 选项卡.
  • 我们将在每个学期的注册开放后开始运行该过程.
  • A student’s course registration will begin being reviewed one week after registration opens.  如果他们增加或减少任何课程,我们将继续审查他们的课程.

    在drop/add结束时,一旦注册被“冻结”, 学生的注册将被最后一次审查.  The only time this would be reviewed again was if a student adds or drops a course for 2nd session.

  • 我们强烈鼓励继续学习的学生正式申报他们增加的专业 以下优先截止日期. 至少,所有的课程改革都应该如此 在第一天上课前完成.

    秋天 春天  夏天
    优先级的最后期限 7月1日 12月1日 4月1日 

    NOTE: Requests for major changes and course substitutions are not 立即 and require 手动更新系统.

  • 接受联邦财政援助的学生也可以选择不接受联邦财政援助的课程 他们的学习计划所要求的. 然而,他们需要为这些课程付费 自费或非联邦财政援助.
  • 选修课必须满足所选专业的要求. 如果您已被通知 that an elective is not counting toward your 联邦财政援助资格, contact 你的学术顾问. 如果指导老师认为选修课符合a requirement and will count toward your declared major, they will submit a course substitution 请求. 并不是所有的顾问都能提交申请,所以重要的是 你应该尽快与顾问交谈,以便留出处理时间.
  • Scholarships do not require that students enroll in courses in their program of study. 奖学金将不以学生专业的课程为基础.
  • 所有学生都可以通过Owl Express找到自己的专业.

    • 从登录Owl Express开始
    • 从主菜单中选择学生服务和经济援助
    • 从学生服务和经济援助菜单中,选择学位工作-学位审计
    • 点击DegreeWorks按钮
    • 这将把你带到你的学位工作表的“学生视图”
  • 学生 登记 受cpo影响的课程将通过他们的正规博彩十大网站排名电子邮件和财政援助通知 选项卡. 请注意,只有当CPoS影响学生的学业时,学生才会收到通知 联邦财政援助资格.
  • 不要在没有咨询学术顾问的情况下修改你的课程表! An advisor will be able to review your registration and determine whether the system 准确评估你的注册情况吗. 如果没有,你的入学已经被批准了 作为你申报专业的一部分, 联系你的财务援助顾问 讨论选项.
  • 更改应在drop/add的周五之前完成,以确保没有问题. 但是,您必须在注册更改的最后一天删除/添加. 请注意,您确实有无法及时评估入学的风险.

  • 第一个, the term “financial 援助” refers to any funding designed to assist with your educational expenses. Most financial 援助 flows through the school and is applied directly to your student account.

    联邦财政援助: This financial 援助 is generally determined based on the information included on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and comes from the U.S. 教育部. Examples include the Pell Grant, SEOG Grant, 工作人员ord Loans, and PLUS Loans to name a few. CPoS确实会影响这些奖项.

    国家财政援助: This financial 援助 may also use information included on the FAFSA to determine eligibility, 但有时需要额外的应用程序. 最主要的区别是资金来源来自州政府. 例子包括HOPE和泽尔·米勒奖学金. CPoS不影响任何这些奖项.

    机构财政援助: This financial 援助 may also use information included on the FAFSA to determine eligibility, 但主要是看其他因素,比如高中GPA, 标准化考试成绩, 和性能. 例如:体育奖学金、院系奖学金等. CPoS不影响任何这些奖项.

  • Only courses that are part of the program of study as documented in the degree evaluation 是否有资格获得联邦援助. 欢迎接受经济援助的学生参加 学习计划不需要的课程. 但是,您需要这样做 自费或使用非联邦财政援助支付这些课程的费用.
  • Current semester majors must be officially declared and reflected in the student’s DegreeWorks by the Friday of Drop/Add. Courses counting only toward future majors will not count toward the program of study.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress is based on total hours taken and not federal 援助 eligible hours taken. All hours will continue to count towards this as noted at Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for 金融援助 Recipients 
  • 指导老师可以在学生指导指南上看到这些信息 OwlExpress和对DegreeWorks.

    • 猫头鹰快递-财政援助标签 
      The Award Overview will show the courses that are ineligible and eligible for federal 还有国家援助.
    • 学位工作
      The area under your personal information will reflect the courses that are ineligible 接受联邦财政援助.
    • 查看成绩单/建议指南
      该应用程序对学生和顾问都是可见的. An “N” in the CPoS column indicates federal financial 援助 will not pay for this course.
  • 我们将在注册开始一周后通知学生.
  • 我们非常鼓励学员完成已注册课程的课程替换 在以下优先截止日期之前.

    Processing for registered course substitutions received by the 司法常务官办公室 after the first official day of classes cannot be guaranteed in time for CPoS assessment.

    秋天  春天  夏天 
    优先级的最后期限 7月1日 12月1日 4月1日

    NOTE: Requests for major changes and course substitutions are not 立即 and require 手动更新系统.

  • We highly encourage continuing students to officially declare their major by the below 优先级的最后期限. 至少,所有的课程改革都应该完成 在第一天上课之前.

    秋天  春天  夏天 
    优先级的最后期限 7月1日 12月1日 4月1日

    NOTE: Requests for major changes and course substitutions are not 立即 and require 手动更新系统.

  • 如果一个学生认为一门课程应该算数, 但事实并非如此, 他们应该联系他们的学术顾问
  • 学习支持(1000级以下课程:英语0999、数学0999等.)合资格 申请经济资助时,最多不超过30个补习时数. 只要 as the student is otherwise eligible for federal financial 援助, the credits for the remedial courses will be considered as in-program and eligible for federal financial 援助.
  • 学生可以简单地按照下面的步骤换专业.

    • 登入猫头鹰快车
    • 选择Student Records选项卡
    • 选择声明或更改主要选项
    • 这将打开一个表单,允许您更改专业
    • 请预留5-10个工作日来处理您的更改. 你可以回到这里 网站可随时查看您的请求状态
  • 多年来,美国一直在努力.S. 教育部 has required that institutions ensure federal financial 援助 funds are used to pay for courses that apply to a student’s degree program. 


  • The override process is completely manual and requires action from multiple departments. 请允许7-10个工作日为您的财务援助反映覆盖.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to submit updates as major program changes are not 立即. 确保自己的专业准确是学生的责任 反映他们当前的注册情况,并且任何更新都已提交 有时间进行处理. 我们建议重大更新提交5-10个业务 最迟在学期开始前几天.
  • CPoS的自动审查过程每晚都在进行. 它只能审查更新 反映在你的账户上. 如果更新已完全处理,您的课程 is determined to be eligible, the CPoS alert/flag will be cleared within 2-3 business 隔夜CPoS流程的时间.

    NOTE: Requests for major changes and course substitutions are not 立即 and require 手动更新系统.

  • Double majors must be officially declared and reflected in the student’s DegreeWorks by the Friday of Drop/Add. Courses counting toward undeclared majors will not be included in the program of study.

    NOTE: Requests for major changes and course substitutions are not 立即 and require 手动更新系统.

  • 有两个独立的过程会影响这些课程.  The first is the program of study evaluation and the second is the repeated coursework evaluation.  The repeated course will count for the program of study evaluation if it is in the program of study as documented by the degree evaluation, 不管之前是否上过同样的课.  The course would still then need to pass repeated coursework evaluation to be eligible for federal 援助. 参观 复读课程政策 更多资讯网址.
